Also Not Not Blogging

The silence is deafening!

My impish corner of the blogging empire — a little half-moon of qwerty merriment emanating from the central vineyard — has taken some hits lately.  [Further documentation here and here –ed.]  I suppose that my M.I.A. status, both online and geographically, would place me squarely on the presumed casualty list.

But nothing can be further from the truth!  I’ve just been lost.  Lost in a wilderness of my own making.  Lost in a hazy half-light of murmuring responsibilities and flickering fears.  Anxieties and agitations. Split-minded sputtering.  Stuttering. Wet-fish flopping on the rocks, one gill in the water, one in the air, watching the sun skirt the horizon, unsure if it’s dusk or if it’s dawn. All of which doesn’t lend itself to creative thinking.

And without dipping my tongue into the Well Of Creation, without slaking the urge to see words and sights and sounds rise up ex nihilo before me, I’ve got nothing else to give.  If I cannot create, I can only consume.  If I cannot feed my mind, I revert to feeding my belly.  My belly’s been happy.  [Thankfully, Grant just joined a gym –ed.]

So, now that I’ve broken the silence and tested your unearned patience with my navel-gazed rambling, here’s a little fun:

Grant Wentzel Kate Nash

A bunch of British Lego-heads have been making album covers out of Legos and posting them to a flickr site here. The visual pun on the title of Kate’s album made me smile.  I hope it does the same for you.  More blogging to come!

5 Replies to “Also Not Not Blogging”

  1. The Legos definitely made for a smile. And I’m glad to have found this qwerty corner.

    I’m a sporadic blogger at best (and I delete 85% of what I write) but I always come back to it. Shrug. Social networking gives me hives. I should work on that.

  2. I hear you on the sluggish-anxious-flopping-consume-iness. Dipped into the well a bit myself on Saturday, and now all of a sudden I have drive and goals – ones having stuff to do with real life, not just furniture placement, laundry, and dishes – so hopefully they stick! Changing locales is hard. Someone told me recently that after major changes in your life such as moving, it takes about 5 years to recalibrate and normalize. I hope it’s not that long, but it does explain the kind of funk I’ve been for the past 5 years or so (moving every 2 years it seems)….all that to say I don’t blame you for being a bit ‘off’…if that is indeed the cause of this dying fish syndrome you speak of…well that & lack of nourishment…but I think the two are kind of related. At least you have your lady back with you now, right? 🙂

  3. joshua / jey / megan —

    thanks for the comments – great to know that someone’s listening. (Somebody around here made a joke about it: If a blog falls in the woods and now one’s there to see it fall, does it make a sound?)

    I’ll be stopping by your blogs as well with my crusty-eyed morning coffee and slippers.

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