Jack’s Back!

When Jack White first appeared on the scene, I was a little annoyed.

Like that loud-mouthed new kid that transfers to your high-school mid-way through your sophomore year, he was an unwelcome and disruptive presence. Everything was peaceful and settled for the year — birds of a feather were flocking together and leaving each other alone. Everyone knew their place and had a table in the cafeteria. And then he shows up and starts mucking around.

The worst part about this new kid is that you know in your gut that you should like him. You’ve got a lot in common, after all. You both like the same bands, the same shows, the same flicks. It’s inevitable that he’ll be joining your click. In another time, you could be best friends. Even blood brothers. But right now, you just don’t want to deal with him. He’s stealing the spotlight, and let’s face it, you’re getting a little bit jealous.

But then that new kid does something that you just have to respect. You didn’t want to admit it at first, but damn, he’s got talent! And brains. And he’s pretty funny too. An olive branch is extended and a new order is achieved. Life just got a little bit better with the new kid around.

And he’s keeping up the good work: The new Raconteurs LP is lovely. Playful and punky, sweet and spunky. Classic rock with a sense of humor. It’s self-aware that it’s borrowed the best of the sixties (Beatles, et al) and the worst of the seventies (Supertramp anyone?) “The Consolers Of The Lonely” sticks just enough tongue in it’s tube-amped cheek to let you know that we’re all in on the joke.

Yes, life just got a little bit better with the new kid around. And come to think of it, that White Stripes thing’s not so bad either. Kinda like it. Light a few candles and pour some wine. Anything could happen.

6 Replies to “Jack’s Back!”

  1. this is SO the way I felt about the white stripes when they first came out. I was highly skeptical, and made fun of their sound saying that Meg was a bad drummer and Jack had a bad voice etc.

    BUT NOW, I am obsessed 🙂 I can listen to Icky Thump over and over and over. I’ve given in. I read an interview with Jack in Paste Magazine and it was just fascinating…what a weird guy.

    I bet we’d be friends…I like weird people.

  2. Yes, Jack is pretty wonderful. And since I’ve always figured that Jack wasn’t the type to go in for silver-haired foxes, I never dealt with the jealousy/he’s trying to steal my girl issues either. I’ve liked him from the beginning.

    I also really like the fact that he doesn’t keep making the same album, either with The White Stripes or with The Raconteurs.

    Now Meg, on the other hand, may be the Ringo Starr of her generation. Ringo’s a nice guy and all, but talk about being in the right place at the right time …

  3. I must agree. I used to hate jack & the white stripes. I’m still not keen on their earliest stuff.

    But I gotta say he is crazy talented and prolific, and has totally grown on me over the years. Haven’t heard the new Raconteurs yet, but loved the first album and just got the second from the Columbus Library.

  4. Before I actually heard the White Stripes, I was getting the vibe that I was supposed to like them. Not being one who likes to be told what to do, that usually turns me off pretty quick. Then I sampled them and couldn’t figure out what the fuss was about.

    A year or two later it dawned on me: “It’s only rock ‘n roll…” Ahh!!! That’s always been enough for me.

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